Friday, August 18, 2017

Cover Reveal for Unfiltered by Leigh Lennon

by Leigh Lennon

Genre: Contemporary Romance


I never will get my happy ending. With my past threatening to ruin the possibility of love in my future, I keep every man at arm’s length. Nick appears out of thin air, becoming a part of my life instantly, leaving me breathless and wanting more. The pain that haunts me is still present, but Nick is worth the risk. When he promises me forever; can I trust him?


Justine makes me see that a forever is in reach with her. She keeps telling me she is hard to love; yet I find it quite easy. Once I break down her walls, she finally lets me in. But, I have a secret of my own which can expose her to the demons that destroyed me in the past. However, with Justine, I will do anything and everything to make her mine.


Driving down the street that connects both our houses, I imagine my life before Nick and it is very empty. I didn’t stop at my house but ran up his steps and open the door frantically. In the kitchen, he doesn’t know I am coming until I am on top of him. Turning around, he grabs for me, as I am already unbuttoning my pants. It is a race to see who can undress first. I am breathing hard, almost panting, needing him now. “Goodness gracious! I like this greeting.” I am in fierce primal need. He sees it quickly in my eyes and he has no problem with the direction this passion is taking us both.

I kiss him as if it has been years. I work my tongue deeply inside of his mouth, as I grab his bare ass. His fingers make their way to my core and stopping for a second, he leans back with a smile. My overly greedy pussy is something he takes pride in and he should because he does this to me. I don’t speak, and I will not allow him to either. There will be plenty of time for words later. Within a span of a second, he spins me around leaning my torso on the kitchen counter. Silently, he delves his fingers back inside of me as my wetness increases. I love the way he pushes me down, showing a little dominance yet is still gentle with me. This is my Nick, in every way yet I am still myself when I say, “Just fucking do it already.” With both a deep chuckle and a moan from him, he enters me hard and as he does, we adjust to this position when he pushes me further onto the counter and I am loving every minute. This feels hot—almost dirty, something a respectable mother doesn’t do yet I make a mental note to partake in this position more often. I feel his breath on my neck and it adds to the adventure, just imagining the facial expressions that he is making as he grows within me, getting harder and harder. As he kisses my back, he pushes with more intensity and one last thrust sets us both over board and we delight together in our orgasms. I turn around instantly, engulfing his cock into my mouth. This is one technique I learned from him—he loves a blow job right after he has come and boy do I love pleasing him.

He quickly leads me to his room, where he recovers, and we make love, this time gently, again. I am wrapped in his arms, saying very little for several minutes, just enjoying the closeness of one another. This is my future, I see it for the first time since Nick waltzed into my life. Although with Nick, his commitment to me is more like a marathon.

Leigh's debut novel will be released on Sept 15th. 
Sign up now or follow her website or FB page to be informed when the book is up for pre-order.

Leigh Lennon is mother, veteran and a wife of a cancer survivor. Originally with a degree in education, she started writing as an outlet that has led a deep passion as she wrote twelve books. Now ready to publish all of them, she lugs her computer with her as she crafts her next story. She can be found drinking coffee or wine, depending on the time of the day.

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