Saturday, February 28, 2015

Jaded by Desire

Jaded by Desire
by Desiree A. Cox
Series: Lust, Desire and Love Trilogy, Book 2
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: March 28, 2015

Nikki's life was changing. She was in love, she was getting married and she was going to have the baby that she never expected she'd have.

Everything was perfect.

Or was it?

Everyone has secrets, those hidden parts of our past we don't ever want  to be discovered.

Nikki and Jeff's love will be tested.  Is their love strong enough to survive the secrets that come out?

Desiree was born and raised in Iowa.

She married her high school sweetheart and moved to the Philadelphia area after high school and has been happily married for over twenty-five years. She’s the mother of two sons and a daughter.

She writes Erotica and is looking to expand into the thriller/suspense genre in the near future.

Desiree enjoys family time, traveling and spending time at the beach.

Her debut book is Twisted By Desire.

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Join Desiree's Street Team: The Twisted Crew

Taking the Fall

OUAA synopsis
Hunter Dennison has been an overachiever in all aspects of his life. He knows what he wants and goes after it, and he intends to follow suit in his love life with the young and beautiful Molly. His patience is at its last resolve as he waits for her to come of age, but finally the time has arrived, and he prepares to tell Molly how he feels. What he doesn’t know is that someone else has set their own selfish agenda into motion, wreaking havoc on Hunter’s intentions and his confidence in Molly’s character. Believing the vicious lies, Hunter veers off his planned path. He finds solace and comfort in another’s arms, never realizing that he leaves in his wake a devastated Molly. However, fate cannot be fooled. Now, twenty years later, they both have settled into their own lives in Clearwater Falls. Hunter intends to rectify the past by letting Molly know that she is the one he wants now, just as he had wanted then. Can passion all these years in the making overcome the weight of regret that they both carry? Or will the price of their previous mistakes leave an insurmountable divide in their chance at forever?
WARNING: Recommended for adult readers (18+) only. Mature themes, strong language, and sexual content.
Young couple kissiing*** DENNISON SERIES ***
OUAA About Author
I live in New England with my young family. I’m a stay at home mom to two very active children. For all of you who are familiar with the stress of this job, I decided to complete an item on my bucket list and write a book. When I’m not writing, you will find me cooking, reading, shopping or being silly with the kids. In my opinion, one of life’s greatest pleasure is being able to get lost in a book.
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Greater Expectations

Greater Expectations - Banner


TITLE – Greater Expectations AUTHOR – Alexander McCabe GENRE – Romantic Comedy PUBLICATION DATE – August 5th 2014 LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 257 pages / approx. 90,000 words PUBLISHER – Self published ebook COVER ARTIST – Kirsty C. Maclauchlan


It is said that the course of true love never runs smooth - even for us men. Yet it has never been easier to find love than in this modern digital era where the mighty computer has all but rendered Cupid redundant. Love is now to be found, quite literally, at your fingertips. Although love also seems to have changed with the times. This new love is deceitful and manipulative, cunning and untrustworthy. Love has gotten ugly. Thankfully, not all the answers to life’s mysteries are to be found in the computer and Cupid - battered and bruised as he may be - proves that he still has some game and a few tricks up his sleeve…
Greater Expectations - Book Cover



When first I met my now estranged wife during our Master’s year at university, I was seeing someone else too. In the main, this defines me as a “bastard”, although I preferred to think of myself as a “player”. Indeed I would argue that it falls under the guise of “sowing wild oats”. That’s the phrase that makes the practice somehow acceptable, and mothers the world over tell their sons that this is what they need to do before they settle down. The rite of passage into manhood as it were. At least, it’s what my mother told me. Women may argue this point - sorry, women will argue this point - but then they become mothers.
Naturally, they just don’t want those “wild oats” sown with their own daughters.
However, it is a fallacy to think that we men are completely heartless. I realised that I actually liked the girl that I eventually married so quickly ended all contact with the third party. In actual fact, she was a girl that I had been seeing first but only by a matter of a few weeks. I got the usual tirade of “bastard” texts, emails, and drunken voicemails. “I thought you were different” being the obligatory phrase that she just had to use during every one of these “opportunities”. In one particular instance, during which she also branded me a “coward”, I foolishly responded. I explained to her that I was merely being cruel to be kind as it was blatantly obvious to me that there we had no future together. Furthermore, after everything that had been said and done – more on her part now than mine - she would surely realise and accept that there was no going back as any trust and respect that had been built was now completely shattered.
I got the following reply:
“See, I knew you were different. That was lovely, you thinking of me and my feelings and us and our future. Why can’t we make this work? We can, you just have to trust yourself to trust me. Call me.”
It took another six weeks of ignoring and blocking her before she finally gave up. We had only been dating, if it could ever have been called that, for three weeks.
It takes true courage and bravery to finish any relationship. As my marital separation was only a week old, I understood that there may be some element of hope that we could fix it and move on. Yet I knew there was no way I could, or would, allow myself to stoop to such a level of indignity. My sense of pride has taken a pounding and is undoubtedly battered and bruised, but it is still there, standing tall and intact, however weakly. It is also getting stronger with every passing day.
All thanks to “Hope”.
“Hope” is a very strange feeling that displaces others such as “confidence”, “faith”, and “trust” and one that I have naturally gravitated towards my entire life. We are old friends, hope and I. Never have I dared to have “confidence” in my academic or sporting abilities, rather I always “hoped” that I would perform at my best as necessitated in any particular circumstance. When things had gone better than I had even dared “hope”, then I defaulted to the notion that is was merely my “good luck”, and vice versa. “Luck” has always provided me an excuse for all of life’s highs and lows and everything in between. Now I wanted to change all that. Now I wanted to control my existence.
Now I wanted to stir the stagnant pool that is my life proactively to feel like I am living again.
So that may well explain why I am now sat in only my boxer shorts in front of my computer, as the rain batters the window behind my curtains, and trying to focus on completing an online dating profile that includes a “personal statement” section. Apparently, its purpose is to allow me to describe myself in as broadly generic terms as possible in order to seem “normal” and “average” - and so maximising my appeal - whilst also trying to ensure that I am unique enough as to stand out. The logic of the concept is irrefutable and yet fantastically ridiculous.
It is also proving so challenging to the point of being quite impossible.
As a truck driver, I work most weekends and so this job commitment removes the more conventional ways of meeting women. Using a dating site makes far more sense in this new age of technology as it allows for an immediate connection without the need to wait for the weekend, or the demand of a decent chat up line. It cuts to the chase, so to speak. The site has posted a statistic that states over 28% of couples now “meet” online, so I am still happily in the minority. However, it is utterly galling to me that I should ever try to be “normal” or “average” to anyone as I have never considered myself as such.
It seems to me to be morally fraudulent. 
Online dating. It really is quite an absurd concept yet totally in concert with the modern era where people are too busy with work and life to take the time and make the effort for actually dating. Yet where is the romance of it? You will never hear a love song that refers to such sites. Can you imagine Rod Stewart singing “The Algorithm of my Heart”, or some such like?
No? Me neither.


After graduating with a couple of useless degrees in law, I left my Scottish homeland and wandered nomadically around the globe to experience the rich diversity of culture that the world has to offer.
On my travels, I met my Canadian wife in New Zealand, we were married in Scotland and now live in Canada with our newborn son. Although we currently call Toronto home, this is not yet a permanent arrangement and, rather alarmingly, we are perfectly happy about that…


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TITLE – Stitches- Because Some Wounds Need More Than a Band-Aid Cure AUTHOR – Jeremy L Blunt PUBLICATION DATE – February 10, 2015 LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 184 PUBLISHER – Upland Avenue Publishing Group COVER ARTIST – Daniela Frongia
Stitches - Book Cover Smaller


Have you ever found yourself at a loss when trying to figure out why relating to the very people you feel you have to or should be able to communicate well with just doesn’t work? Have you ever had that feeling after you come out of something which gave you the blues while in it, was actually not as bad as you made it if only you had paid attention to the signs and lessons from previous events? If either of these things sound like you then “STITCHES” are what you need. We look for answers from everywhere in the world, our friends, church members, parents, celebrities and sometimes even our enemies but never inside ourselves.
STITCHES are the tools we need to address the issues we have. If you’re tired of putting a Band-Aid on wounds that seem to just keep resurfacing and don’t seem to go away, then I encourage you to start using stitches instead. AS you read “STITCHES”, allow it to broaden your perspective and increase your confidence that you are not as lost as you may have believed.



The problem with most relationships is not the baggage that people knowingly bring into them, it is with the baggage that they have, know they have but act like it is not there. Now let's be honest. We all have baggage. Baggage is what we pick up from life's experiences that affect how we react to things, how we deal with people, and how we carry ourselves. All baggage is not bad baggage. For instance, it is only after you deal with someone who is independent that you determine if moving forward, you want someone else who is also independent or if you would rather have someone who just has independency. Either way, the baggage we carry from situation to situation affects us differently.
Ideally when we met someone we would like for their baggage to be displayed and scanned as it would be going through check in at an airport. First giving them an opportunity to dispose of anything that would be hazardous to anyone else around and then going through a thermo scan. The problem with baggage does not come when we are dealing with someone who is upfront with baggage that is not necessarily healthy but rather when things pop up that they claim to know nothing about. On my last trip to the airport, I remember hearing several announcements about baggage not being left unattended or taking packages from people that you do not know. We should treat the people we deal with every day with the same level of security and caution. Until we know what at least pops up during their initial scan, we should not pursue them past the outer lobby of our life. In other words, they should remain associates. They should not get VIP treatment or otherwise they may feel and act like they are entitled to more than they are. Then you will feel guilty and try and fast track them to the exclusive area prematurely. To catch a plane now, they tell you to be at the airport at least two hours before your flight so you can go through all of the proper checks and still make your flight on time. We should treat everyone we meet with the same expectation. If they are not willing to show up early, stand in a line or two for a few minutes, and undergo pre checks, then they may as well be labeled as a terrorist and should be treated hostile. I mean let's face it, what is the point of blood, sweat, and tears if you are not going to use the lessons it has taught you to better yourself. Would you knowingly let a terrorist come on a plane that you are boarding? Of course not! Then why do we let people in our lives without proper clearance. You need to know something about the people you deal with. Where they are from? Who have they been with? Who they people are? Have they picked up any habits, I mean packages, from strangers along the way?
Even after going through baggage check, people still can have extra stuff that can threaten your life. An example of this is insecurities. Let us say you have met this guy and he seems to have it pretty much together. He is a dream come true. You open up and allow him to board your life. Once in the air you realize he has tendencies. He always wants to know about the names of people from a previous manifest. He also asked repeatedly about current passengers who are just temporary passengers until the next stop or two. You understand his concerns but point out that none of these issues surfaced or questions were asked during initial boarding. You pacify him by giving him everything it seems that he would need but nothing is helping. He wants to dig deeper and ask more questions. This is a classic example of what I call “unauthorized baggage”. Unauthorized baggage can have you off balance with very little to no clue as to why. When a partner is overly aggressive or possessive, it can weigh you down to the point where you are ready to start throwing things off. When nothing you do seems to be working, you will start eliminating things that are actually in your life to help you; like fuel, food or even extra oxygen (friends who give you life). Again, those closest to you will give you warning signs when this happens. Your body will also be a good sign of indicators. Do not ignore the signs. Pay attention, life has a way of getting your attention. If you are not careful you will find yourself starting to become distant with friends and even point the figure at others as the reason to why things are the way they are.


Life and Favor – John P. Kee and New Life feat. James Fortune Her Heart – Anthony Hamilton My Favorite Thing – Ronald Isley featuring Kem Rise and Fall – Craig David feat Sting All of Me – John Legend Sweat – Toni Braxton & Babyface


Medelssohn: Octet in E flat, Op. 20-1 Van Cliburn Tchaikovsky: Concerto No. 1 & Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 2 Michael Meets Mozart More Than Anything – Lamar Campbell & Spirit of Praise Grateful – Hezekiah Walker, Love Fellowship Choir
Stitches - Author Photo


Jeremy L. Blunt is a capitol city native of Louisiana and a graduate of the East Baton Rouge Public School System. He is a proud Husband, Father, and Mentor. He is married to the former LaTrisha Earline Milton, also of Baton Rouge. He has two daughters, Kaylie and Amerie Blunt. His hobbies include traveling, reading, exercising, and interacting with people. He is honorably retired from the Louisiana National Guard. While also defending his country, Jeremy has and continues to be very active in his community. He serves as a Minister to young people and serves and advises several boards in his community. Jeremy attended Louisiana State University and attends HOPE Bible Institute for Theology and Religious Studies.
Jeremy is a motivated speaker and teacher who delivers a message of self empowerment and change to audiences of all demographics. He continues to work with “at-risk” youth and considers it as one of the most rewarding experiences of his life. He is an advocate for service and continued education.
Jeremy lives by the motto: “Change comes from those willing to do things differently”.


INSTAGRAM – stitches4life
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CC Dragon

A Mansion, A Drag Queen, And A New Job (Deanna Oscar Paranormal Mystery Book 1)

by CC Dragon
Genre: Paranormal Cozy Mystery

Psychic medium Deanna Oscar wants to be a normal psychology professor at a nice college. The universe has other ideas. When the grandmother she never knew dies and leaves her everything, Deanna enters a different world. In New Orleans anything goes and her psychic powers aren’t a secret. She doesn’t plan on staying but a psychic vision puts her on the trail of a killer. Deanna can’t turn her back on the future victims and becomes immersed in her grandmother’s world. She isn’t sure how to manage the mansion and fortune she inherited or the people who came with it. An ex-priest, a Latina drag queen and a socialite beauty queen are the living entourage. Add in a houseful of ghosts and haunted objects and Deanna needs a little help. In over her head, she struggles to catch a killer who is out to get her as well.

A Club, An Imposter and A Competition (Deanna Oscar Paranormal Mystery 2)
by CC Dragon

Deanna Oscar and friends are back again--having survived Hurricane Katrina, what could go wrong now? A murder, a visit from her family, and a fake psychic trying to manipulate the vulnerable citizens of New Orleans, to name a few. Add a nosy reporter who pits De against the imposter to solve the murder and De's life is as crazy as ever.
She does her best to avoid publicity while trying to solve the murder and keep her family out of danger. The family wants her back in Chicago where it's safe. De is determined to set down roots in the Big Easy. Boring and average just isn’t her style!

A loyal Chicago girl who loves deep dish pizza, the Cubs, and The Lake! CC Dragon is fascinated by the metaphysical and paranormal. Loves creating characters, especially amateur sleuths who solve mysteries. Coffee and chocolate addict who loves fast cars. Still look for a hero who likes to cook and clean…so she can write more!


Should've Known Better

Should've Known Better
by Cassandra Carr
Genre: Sports Erotic Romance

Sarah Jenkins, a math geek and hockey fanatic, is thrilled when the NHL hires her as an advisor for the Buffalo Storm. She gets to marry her two loves in this perfect job.
Sebastian St. Amant is a young hockey player looking to make the jump from the minors to the big leagues. His lifelong dream is within reach, but he needs to convince the Storm's management and coaches he's ready.
When Sarah and Sebastian meet, sparks immediately fly. Both want to succeed, but neither can ignore the growing attraction and a relationship is out of the question—Sarah’s an influential staff member and Sebastian’s a player, not to mention over ten years her junior.
But the impossible becomes the necessary when they can no longer fight their attraction. As everything crashes around them, the strength of their relationship is tested. Will it weather the storm, or should they have known better?

Cassandra Carr is a multi-award winning romance writer. When not writing she enjoys watching hockey and hanging out online. Cassandra's books have won numerous "Best Book Of" awards and her novella Unexpected Top was nominated in the E-book Erotic Romance category of RT's Reviewers' Choice Awards.

She thinks the best part of being a writer is penning stories about love and sex while most others struggle with commutes, micro-managing bosses and cranky co-workers.

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Billionaire's Promise

The Billionaire's Promise (Billionaires of Belmont Book 2) 

by Shadonna Richards
Genre: Interracial/Multicultural Romance


Tall, dark and handsome security systems mogul, Brandon Knight (a Belmont by blood), considers himself too emotionally damaged to be in a long-term, relationship. His ex-girlfriend betrayed him in a bad way and slept with his rival. Now he finds out that he’s really the son of hotel magnate Jonah Belmont III, and to top it off… Jonah is urging all his sons to settle down soon before he passes on to receive the Belmont family blessing. Brandon has no plans to settle down ever and fulfilling that dying wish, until…a lovely professional organizer by the name of Faith Johnson stumbles into his life and causes him to rethink his decision. 

She might be a professional organizer and founder of Faith’s Clutter Control, but Faith Johnson’s love life is a complete mess. Thanks to her ex-fiancé, who left her broken-hearted and broke, she doesn’t trust men—nor does she trust herself around them. Currently, Faith is focused on getting her life together and keeping her heart clear of men. She really needs a big account to push her business further, and she lands the Belmont and the Ellimore accounts on the same day—two prestigious clients. But then… she bumps into too-sexy-for-his-own-good Brandon Knight, the gorgeous security systems mogul. Will their worlds collide? Can Faith trust her heart around Brandon? 

Meet the Belmont family of the affluent Belmont waterfront community… 

Desperate to see his sons settle down, especially after he’s been given six months to a year to live, elderly hotel magnate and family patriarch Jonah E. Belmont, III gives his sons a bucket list challenge. They must wed—or at least be in stable, loving relationships before he moves on and in order to keep their inheritances in the prestigious Belmont Hotels & Resorts legacy. Only his sons are not too convinced about getting married for any reason and vow to remain single…and safe from heartbreak. 

Read book 2 in Billionaires of Belmont Series… Brandon & Faith’s story 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Twisted Affair

TwistedAffair1RBBanner TwistedAffair1Cover
OUAA synopsis
I've always loved my life. Women, drugs and alcohol. Three of the greatest things in the world. Then my father decided that I wasn't living up to the high standards of our family and gave me an ultimatum. Get married or lose it all.
When Blayne Westmore screws up for the thousandth time, his father lays down the law. Blayne has to find a wife and settle down or he'll be disowned. Twenty-three year-old Livie Dusek is a Czech immigrant working hard towards the American dream – one that doesn't involve love. But when a handsome stranger offers her a marriage proposal and more money than she could ever dream off, she accepts, much against her sister’s wishes. Livie has just one rule for her future husband: No sex between them. Don't miss the newest steamy series from best-selling author M.S. Parker. ????????????
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M.S. Parker is a USA Today Bestselling author and the author of the Erotic Romance series, Club Privè and Chasing Perfection.
Living in Southern California, she enjoys sitting by the pool with her laptop writing on her next spicy romance. Growing up all she wanted to be was a dancer, actor or author. So far only the latter has come true but M. S. Parker hasn't retired her dancing shoes just yet. She is still waiting for the call for her to appear on Dancing With The Stars. When M. S. isn't writing, she can usually be found reading- oops, scratch that! She is always writing.
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The unraveling of the reignited, scorching hot romance begins when Donovan learns one of his dad’s secrets. Stunned, Donovan distances himself from everyone including Memphis. Memphis is angry until he saves her from her ex. But just as everything was looking up again she finds out that Donovan is going to continue to hide his dad’s secret. Will it officially be the end of their reignited romance?
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